• Entry materials for categories 1 – 14 and 17 - 48 must be anonymous.
  • Inclusion of company names and addresses anywhere in or on the entry materials other than the entry form is forbidden, with the exception of entries for the Sales, Marketing and Merchandising categories.
  • Do not include company names or logos on floor plans, digital images, or in project descriptions. Any floor plans, digital images or project descriptions in these categories that include company names will not be judged.
  • We encourage you to use unique project names not home addresses or street names.

For photo submissions, please use the following format: "CategoryNumber-ProjectName-PhotoNumber". For instance, if your project is entered in category 1 and is named 'Lakeside', your photos should be labelled '01-Lakeside-01', '01-Lakeside-02', etc. (You may need to re-name your photos after uploading them.) 

  • *NEW FOR 2025* Only Member companies may be recognized in the Okanagan Housing Awards of Excellence®. Entries must be submitted using the company name as listed on the membership. Individuals without their own CHBA-CO membership are no longer eligible for award recognition by name. (ie: Jane Doe of ABC Design)
  • Information given on the entry form will be printed exactly as submitted for news releases, newspapers, publications, certificates and trophies. Take extra care to ensure all spelling is correct before you submit each entry. Do not use UPPERCASE.
  • CHBA-CO will not make any corrections after the entry has been submitted.
  • Any member of CHBA-CO in good standing can enter any award category, except Grand Housing Awards, but must be accompanied by the proper form (i.e. Homeowner Permission Form, Builder Permission Form and/or Renovator Permission Form). For categories 21 – 28, a Renovator Permission Form must be submitted if the Renovator is not the primary entrant. For categories 14 – 19 and 28 – 41, a Builder Permission Form must be submitted if the Builder/Developer is not the primary entrant. Should the project be contracted out to a Builder and/or Renovator, in order for the entry to be accepted, must have the proper Permission Form submitted.


  • Images can be horizontal, vertical or square.
  • Exterior, night-time images will not be judged. Dusk images are fine (but not recommended) as long as the judges are able to see features of the exterior of the project.
  • Images to be saved @ 300DPI which allows for proper optimization for judging, website and gala presentations. 5MB Max file size.
  • Save as a high-quality JPEG file only. Do not submit pdf, tiff, gif, psd or any other file formats.
  • Do not send re-formatted images that have been cropped and layered with borders or frames.
  • All images must be anonymous. Do not include people in your images unless required by the category (This may not apply to “before” images in the renovation categories).
  • Do not submit black and white or grayscale images, renderings, and digitally enhanced or high-definition images. Do not submit black and white “before” images for renovation categories. They will not be judged.

PLANS: Floor, Site, Landscape, etc.

  • Submit simple and easy to read floor plans.
  • Floor/Site plans for your submission must be uploaded to the Okanagan Housing Awards of Excellence® online entry form's server as a PDF and labelled with your unique entry ID number and project name.