19. Excellence in High Performance Renovation

Okanagan Housing Awards 2025 | CHBA Central Okanagan


This award recognizes a member whom embraces leadership in energy efficiency and high performance in the renovation sector. Project must be modelled by a Certified Energy Advisor.


Criteria (Category 19)

Entry will be judged on the following criteria:

  • Percent-better performance as measured during the before and after process
  • Sensitivity to site conditions and surrounding environments
  • Environmental considerations (energy efficiency, comfort and health)
  • Selection of materials and systems to minimize the home's energy consumption
  • Client requirements: how were the goals and needs of the client met on this project

Requirements (Category 19)

  • Completed online entry
  • 12 digital images that best represent the project
  • Floor and/or site plan
  • Before and after energy advisor report
  • For Category 19 only: EnerGuide or comparable labelling program documentation of before and
    after performance.
  • Completed Homeowner and Builder Permission Form (if applicable)
Criterion Weight
Percent-better performance as measured during the before and after process 20.0%
Sensitivity to site conditions and surrounding environments 20.0%
Environmental considerations (energy efficiency, comfort and health) 20.0%
Selection of materials and systems to minimize the home's energy consumption 20.0%
Client requirements: how were the goals and needs of the client met on this project 20.0%